Dear music lovers,
Wish you a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year
My First 25 Years :
My forever respects and prayers for one of my revered tabla legends Zakir Hussain,
remembering him for his soulful fingers that sang raga-s, for his inspiring musical presence
and global contributions to the music world. Wishing love & peace to the family.
Remembering sarod maestro Aashish Khan
(( raga Des (Nazrul geet produced by Aashish Khan)
The classical music world lost some of its dear and respected people this year who will
always be remembered for their contributions in music.
My soulful prayers : for sitarist Manju Mehta a great teacher-performer-founding member of Saptak,
Gurumaa-smt. Madhura Pandit Jasraj, ust.Rashid khan one of the all-time favourite vocalists of my generation.
Heartfelt prayers for my beloved friend-student & singer Anaar Kanji.
On my mother's 90th birthday I present my raga innovation Bhinn-Khamãj.
January - December 2022
Remembering legendary musician Ali Akbar khan
on his centenary :
Homage to my revered father-figure and Mentor :
(( Maanjh Khamãj
One of my favourite ragas, created by legendary musician Ali Akbar khan who encouraged and inspired me
in my formative years, was performed by me as a vocalist of the Maihar Symphony.
Music & copyright ©
Shweta Jhaveri and other music establishments. All Rights Reserved.
In memory of my beloved father-my lifetime's first inspiration, I name this webpage S U B O D H
meaning auspicious message. I feel very fortunate to have treasured the recent years taking care and being with my dear parents
besides singing-composing music. My heartfelt prayers are with my favourite Indian playback singer Lata Mangeshkar.
Wish you the best of health, happiness and peace in the new year.

with my father / London-UK
Dear Friends, March 2020-2021
wish you the best of health, happiness and peace in the new year.
The year of 2020 with all the adversities worldover, rests for me in memory of my beloved father Dr. Subodh Jhaveri,
my lifetime's first inspiration and backbone forever since my childhood. Noble, spiritual and gifted-an ENTsurgeon trained
in India and at the Royal School of Surgeons-London UK, he also loved cosmology, the Upanishads, yoga, the arts
and music. For brief years my mother worked at the India House-London and taught as a
professor of literature in India. My father's demise in India in 2020 before the spread of covid19 was followed by the demise of
my respected Guruji, the world renowned vocalist Pandit Jasraj revered for his soulful music. I am ever grateful for the gifts of God.
(( LISTEN to

(( PremGeet
On my father's birth anniversary I share his lyrical excerpts.
PremGeet (LoveSong) one of my favourite lyrics written by my father was composed & sung by me from early years
" Pavana prem no vaayo / The breeze of love flew from far away, from the other world. "
" As flowers love the fragrance and cuckoo the Spring,
I love your song that vibrates the string "

A book by my father
Dr. Subodh Jhaveri
An excerpt from my father's article about the universe that he wrote during his last days at the age of 90 :
" The Theory of BigBang about the origin of the universe is the greatest achievement of the 21st century's science.
It reflects immense power of the human intelligence that has revolutionised our thinking about the universe prevalent since
hundreds of centuries. Sages of an ancient school were known to present new ideas hence its spread was increasing.
Their aim was to discover the essential nature of things which they called physis. "
© 2021 Shweta Jhaveri